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The shapes of the books / Librographics

Milica Denkovic

Monday 18 October 2021



Intermedia exhibition: presentation of visible and invisible patterns, topography, and relations in selected dystopic, fantastic, and non-linear novels in the form of graphics presentation (infographics and logos) with additional multimedia content.

The shapes of the books / Librographics
Intemedia exhibition: presentation of visible and invisible patterns, topography and
relations in selected dystopic, fantastic and non-linear novels in the form of graphics
presentation (infographics and logos) with additional multimedia content.

Milica Denković (09.05.1983.)
Finished MA New Media Arts on Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Member of Artist
Association of Vojvodina and have a Status of the Professional Artist in Serbia. Exhibited
in numerous exhibitions in Serbia and abroad. Done professional training in non-formal
education in area of digital photography, speculative design and slam poetry.
From 2019. -2020. collaborates with cultural organization Kultivera on the international
art project “Punk Letters”. From 2020. collaborates on the international art festival
“Tranas-at the Fringe” as multimedia artist. From 2021. is a member of the same festival
team as a official photographer.
Also active as a slam poet.
Fields of work: digital photography and illustration, expanded area of photography,
mixed media art, slam poetry multimedia performances and installation.

Det här är ett evenemang som ingår i at the Fringe-festivalen 2021 som arrangeras av Kultivera ihop med Litteraturcentrum Kvu, SPEGEL, write4Word, Red Door, La libélula Vaga, Populär Poesi, och Magnus Grehn Förlag
Med stöd från Svenska Akademien, Kultrurrådet. Region Jönköping, EFG, PlanB, Kulturens, Tranås kommun

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