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Scenkonst: Hadra Hura

Painted Greek Island

Harake Dance Company





Hadra Hura tells a story of loss, migration and search for a place where one could be at home again while all one´s belongings and all one´s identity fit easily into just one suitcase.

The Experience of Expulsion turns into a journey of fortune and a challenge to grow from the past without loosing oneself. in speaking images seven dancers embody the different stages of this passage from torment and despair towards release and reassurance while accepting the exile. as in a ritual their dance generates the elemental force to feel oneself and to give oneself To the moment in which the presence seems paradoxically inherited by the eternal and in which the dance feels consciously being in connection connected with this truth of human existence. from here arises the certainty of the essential in oneself, to be at home in spirituality and due to religion being able to accept fate and survive, which can´t be taken away from oneself anymore.

Harake is a company of professional dancers and artists. we are all united to make powerful dance pieces that combine the best elements of Eastern and Western dance styles, and create a lasting impression on the world. the projects we engage in: they must be inspired, and they must have a deeper meaning. In our company, there is a reason for every motion, and a history behind it. The people and organizations we work with also must share this desire for dance to be meaningful and thought-provoking. And we must interact through a common language of mutual respect and open communication.

Choreographer: Mohammed Diban
Lighting Designer: Salma Nasser
Costume Designer: Ahmad Mansour
Visual art and film materials: Osama Hafiry
Producer: Christine Schmidt

Eine Produktion von Fenster zum Osten – shibak sharqi gGmbH mit Harake Dance Company, White Flux Productions und freundlicher Unterstützung von Theaterhaus Mitte/Förderband e.V. und Uferstudios GmbH

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