Författarsamtal YWL: Celebrating Young Writers
Young Writers Lab
Young Writers Lab is Kultivera’s experimental international project that has developed young writers in the region and also found that writing developed them as people. Come and hear from our young writers and international leaders what we have created together over the last three years.
"Thank You! We have learnt so much! I didn't like to write before, but I can't stop writing now!”
To interact with the presenters of this event follow this link to the Zoom platform https://tinyurl.com/y3c44qad
Mel Perry is a published poet, spoken word performer and writing practitioner from west Wales. She is a Director of write4word which promotes the development of writers and the development of people through writing. In addition to working with a range of groups and individuals in Wales, Mel works alongside Kultivera to co-produce Young Writers Lab which has supported young people throughout Jönköping to create and enjoy their own writing.
Inês Lampreia (Lisbon/1979) won the Alentejo House Award in short fiction in 2012 and has been published by Pasárgada Editions. Her writing crosses areas such as fiction, fictional chronicle and literary installation. She is a correspondent of Coffeepaste where publishes the Chronicles of Nost-normality every month. Her stories can be found in multiple magazines such as Jornal Relevo, Disonare Magazine, Flora Fiction, among others. Conceive and develop workshops and projects with alternative teaching methods in the areas of visual poetry, fiction, language codes and education for media, over the last twenty years, in institutions such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She is one of the writers of the project Young Writers Lab - An International Collaborative Laboratory for Writers &Students.