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Collective writers workshop with Ainokaisa “Aika” Huusko

4 July 2024 at 08:00:00

Collective writers workshop with Ainokaisa “Aika” Huusko

A collective writing workshop brings together writers of various backgrounds, skill levels, and interests to engage in shared writing activities. These workshops are often centered around a specific theme or set of themes such and the goal is to explore these themes through the collective creativity of the group, resulting in a rich tapestry of ideas and expressions. In Tranås at Fringe Aika mentors a collective writing workshop themed around poetry and social change.

Tranås at the Fringe


Proud member of the Baltic
Nordic Fringe Network

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Tranås at the Fringe Festival is arranged by Kultivera, Litteraturcentrum KVU, SPEGEL, Write4Words, Red Door, La libélula Vaga, Populär Poesi, Fri Press, Trombone förlag, Skådebanan Småland and Magnus Grehn Förlag.

With support from Tranås kommun, Svenska Akademien, Kultrurrådet. Region Jönköping, Nordiska Ministerrådet, Goethe Institut, Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Norhedsstiftelse and Baltic Nordic Fringe Network.

Kultivera, Storgatan 17, 573 32 Tranås, Sverige

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