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40 minutes on a bench in Storgatan – Louise Halvardsson

30 June 2024 at 10:00:00

40 minutes on a bench in Storgatan – Louise Halvardsson

To deal with turning 40, the poet Louise Halvardsson spent 40 days on a bench in Berlin. It was a performance that explores what happens when you "do nothing”. The performance is also about observing what’ s going on in a site specific spot, as well as being observed. In Tranås, the plan is to sit for 40 minutes a day for at least four of the festival days (just walk past the bench and see if she’s there at 12 noon!) .The same bench at the same time in Storgatan by the square. The rules for this performance is simple: Do nothing! You’re not allowed to talk to people unless they talk to you first. If people already know Louise, they are allowed to join her on the bench but also need to sit in silence. Every day she will write about her experience and post on Instagram and Facebook, using the hashtag #40minutesonabenchinstorgatan Festival participants, as well as people visiting the festival are very welcome to join this performance. Louise Halvardsson’s latest book is ”40 dagar på en bänk i Berlin – ett tidsdokument” (Poesiwerken Publishing, 2024).


Tranås at the Fringe


Proud member of the Baltic
Nordic Fringe Network

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Tranås at the Fringe Festival is arranged by Kultivera, Litteraturcentrum KVU, SPEGEL, Write4Words, Red Door, La libélula Vaga, Populär Poesi, Fri Press, Trombone förlag, Skådebanan Småland and Magnus Grehn Förlag.

With support from Tranås kommun, Svenska Akademien, Kultrurrådet. Region Jönköping, Nordiska Ministerrådet, Goethe Institut, Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Norhedsstiftelse and Baltic Nordic Fringe Network.

Kultivera, Storgatan 17, 573 32 Tranås, Sverige

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